About Us

Our Philosophy

The art of learning is much more than amassing knowledge.

The Guild Method promotes the innate individuality of every child. If our lives are to have purpose, we must press into the work of becoming abundantly ourselves. And this work should begin in Kindergarten! Waterhouse Guild provides opportunity for each and every child to be mentored to care about learning.

Because children are endowed with their own unique creative genius, we are dedicated to the work of discovering, protecting and promoting that unique potential. One child’s potential may be centered in science; another’s may be interpersonal relations. All potential is valued and encouraged. The development of personal growth is a primary concern of the Guild Method.

Children are complex beings.

At Waterhouse, we believe there are three complementary facets of development that shape the whole child:

  1. Soulful and Emotional
  2. Intellectual
  3. Social-Emotional

The Guild Method offers a personalized strategy of foundational and explorative quests designed to help the child tap into his or her strengths. The work of weaving connections between these facets is the art of learning.

“Be the salt and light of the earth. Bring out the true flavor of what it is to be truly alive.“

– Federick Buechner

Our Philosophy

Soulful and Emotional Development

The journey and goal of becoming educated is to prepare the child to successfully engage in the wonder and awe of the humanities. As children discover the expression of the Fibonacci sequence in all of nature, the biochemical complexity of the nervous system, or the turquoise sky stroke of Van Gogh’s brush, those moments illuminate the path of education, sparking curiosity and contemplative intrigue.

“Be who God imagined you to be and you will set the world on fire.”

Our Philosophy

Intellectual Development

Children have an uncanny ability to acquire information and academic skills. Along the way, they practice using these skills so they will be equipped to bring shape to their original ideas.

Over time, children will develop rhythms of routine culminating in the development of Habits of Being that enable them to accomplish long-term meaningful work. Children are capable and tenacious naturally.

Caring mentorship and a rich array of tools in a materials rich environment will empower children to tap into the deep satisfaction of intrinsic reward.

Our Philosophy

Soulful Development

Empathy is an under-tapped academic as it motivates children to maintain healthy relationships and to make responsible decisions.

The Guild Method recognizes that empathy is expanded through interaction with people in a caring environment. Social-emotional development directly influences how children approach their important work.

As children participate in the Guild community, they will develop the cognitive and metacognitive abilities woven with the soulful connections that are critical for forming healthy relationships, managing and expressing emotions, and caring responsibly for the work at hand.

The Guild Method strives to help each child develop strong interpersonal skills and a vigorous awareness of the world around them.