(we're on a break)

“If you knew how much work went into it, you would not call it genius.”

~ Michelangelo

Our Program

Waterhouse Guild offers humanities-focused classes for Kindergarten through 8th grade homeschooled students. We are dedicated to providing classes that promote skills, impart knowledge, and celebrate ideas.

Our goal is to provide instruction that enables every student to tap into and cultivate individual potential. Students are mentored to view academic excellence as their very own important work.

Our program is dedicated to promoting skills, imparting knowledge, and celebrating ideas. We are conveniently located between the South Bay and Westside in El Segundo. Your children will rise into the art of learning and have fun in the process.

Our Mission

Children have enormous creative potential. This potential will flourish and thrive when they are inspired to revel in their important work and to enjoy academic rigor.

While reading, writing, and arithmetic are vital foundations for learning, Waterhouse Guild is committed to expanding the vision of the 3Rs to promote the spiritual and intellectual development of the whole child.

A Word

From Our Founder and Director Emeritus

” For the past 25 years, I’ve been busy bringing shape to this idea—Waterhouse Guild—whose sole mission is to water the individual seed of genius in every child in a setting that is at once academically rigorous and cozy like home. And the journey has been far from sterile, quite the contrary. Imagine a place where curiosity opens the child’s eyes to possibility and you will be in our midst. Oh, the stories I can tell! “

– Kimberly Bredberg



What Parents are Saying

It’s simply a place like none other.

Ignite a love of learning, then tend the flame!  Nurture each child’s ideas and allow them to take shape.  Coax the expansion of each brilliant young mind, gently and intentionally, like kneading bread. Waterhouse Guild’s mission is simple, pure, and always child-centered.  THIS is why our family stretched our budget to afford tuition at this incredible tiny-but-mighty school.  It’s simply a place like none other. 

Josette B.
Waterhouse Guild Parent

We are so grateful we found Waterhouse Guild.

I thought my daughter was just one of those kids who doesn’t like school. I accepted that for a while. She was a good student on paper but she complained of being bored, she didn’t like to read and she told me none of her questions were being answered. My son on the other hand was thriving at the same school.

I wanted her to thrive too, but she was in the wrong school. So, we began our search. We are so grateful we found Waterhouse Guild. WHG is a completely different school environment with an extremely rigorous and creative curriculum.

Waterhouse Guild lit her fire for learning. She has found her voice and confidence to write. At the dinner table, she actually talks about what she is learning in detail! We did worry such a tiny school would not be a good choice for her socially but in this small, calm environment she found more meaningful friendships.

There is no school out there that compares to Waterhouse Guild (I searched!) My advice to curious parents is to come for a tour with your child and experience it!

Jenny L.
Waterhouse Guild Parent

It’s an amazing environment.

Our experience has been fantastic. Our children came from another highly-respected private school, and yet Waterhouse Guild has been a huge step up in terms of academic engagement, achievement, and overall happiness with school.

Waterhouse Guild makes learning fun; they develop the whole child; they teach in an interdisciplinary way; they teach excellent writing skills; and they support the unique gifts of each child. The entire mission of the school is to develop a love for learning in their students that ignites a life-long passion for discovery and knowledge. That means that they truly ‘see’ your child and his or her unique strengths, encouraging those strengths while bolstering their weaknesses. This is the epitome of ‘meeting students where they are’, and helping them to be the best they can be.  It’s an amazing environment.

Kelly J.
Waterhouse Guild Parent

WHG is like a home away from home for our daughter.

It’s rare to hear a child say, ‘I love my school’ but my daughter says this often. She hates missing school. WHG’s smaller size allows teachers to do what they WANT to do but rarely have the opportunity to do: to deeply understand each student’s unique capabilities, creativity and talent, and leverage them to bring out a child’s best work. And WHG is an electronics-free campus, which my husband and I love. WHG is like a home away from home for our daughter.

Lisa E.
Waterhouse Guild Parent

Attending Waterhouse Guild has been life-changing.

Mid-way through our daughter’s first grade year we knew our local public school just wasn’t working for her. She often felt uneasy participating in class and her questions rarely got answered. She did not want to go to school.

Once we found Waterhouse she went in to shadow for a day. When I picked her up and asked how it went, she said it was, “AWESOME!” I knew we had found a great home. That’s what Waterhouse feels like, a home surrounded by a caring community of teachers and students.

The curriculum is so individualized that my daughter gets to be challenged without being overwhelmed as well as comfortable without being bored. The breadth and depth of the curriculum are also impressive. My daughter has gained confidence as her sharing and participation are welcomed.

Every aspect of the person is nurtured at Waterhouse Guild – mind, body, and spirit. Attending Waterhouse Guild has been life-changing, the positive effects of which, I believe, will be evident in who our daughter is, forever. We are very grateful!

Christa E.
Waterhouse Guild Parent

Waterhouse Guild is a wonderful place of learning.

This is our third year with Waterhouse Guild and we couldn’t be happier. Waterhouse Guild meets the academic and social needs of my children as well as provides individual attention to them. I am very pleased with the ratio of student to teacher as well as the community that is built among families in the school. Waterhouse Guild is a wonderful place of learning.

Brianne C.
Waterhouse Guild Parent

The last four years have been amazing!

We chose Waterhouse Guild for Kindergarten. My son wasn’t ready for a big school experience so we wanted to choose a smaller private school instead. We couldn’t be happier with the choice we have made. WHG is the perfect fit for our family because of the small size classrooms, moral teachings every day, and no screens! This school allows both my kids to think critically and it allows them to explore. We are very happy at WHG, the last four years have been amazing!!!!

Faith W.
Waterhouse Guild Parent

Her love of education has truly grown at the Waterhouse Guild.

Our daughter was welcomed with open arms into the Waterhouse family.  She immediately felt safe and secure.  Her love of education has truly grown at the Waterhouse Guild.  She has loved all of her teachers and classes.  Her skill as a writer and artist has impressed me so much. I am so very grateful for the amazing community of families that have been a true blessing to our daughter.

We will miss the Waterhouse Guild so much as she moves on to High School.  I know she is fully prepared and have no doubt in my mind that Waterhouse Guild played a monumental impact in her life.

Diane V.
Waterhouse Guild Parent

Waterhouse Guild is a rare find!

Waterhouse Guild is a rare find! It offers a unique curriculum tailored to each child’s strengths. My son is academically strong, and, for the first time, after attending both public and private schools, he is finally challenged! The setting is small, and the learning environment is well thought out. The reading and writing program are unparalleled to any other school setting we’ve experienced. We are very happy to have found Waterhouse Guild.

Yulia M.
Waterhouse Guild Parent

Waterhouse Guild cultivates an intimate education experience …

Waterhouse Guild cultivates an intimate education experience that lets students develop their academic skills in a nurturing environment. The self-confidence this builds is invaluable for future studies, especially when it comes to high school. Our Waterhouse graduate was close to each of her Waterhouse teachers and she actively forges this same sort of connection with her high school teachers and new classmates without hesitation. This has made her transition to a large high school environment easier, more rewarding, and ultimately, more successful.

Leslie D.
Waterhouse Guild Parent